Last week, we launched the Top Eleven Wiki. The response so far has been very positive and we see that people are already making good use of the information on the site!

The idea behind the Wiki is to offer an accessible online knowledge base that will help players better understand the ins and outs of the game. Unlike our Help Center, which deals primarily with technical issues, the TE Wiki explains various in-game features and rules, as well as offering clear overviews of pure numerical information like facility prices.

However, we’ve only supplied a firm basis before launching the Wiki. There is still plenty of information to cover and two outstanding members of the Top Eleven community are here to help. Managers Confuzzled and July Fourth have already contributed by writing some excellent guides, and they’ve been kind enough to help the TE Wiki expand with that same expertise.

The main articles currently on the Wiki are categorized based on the game’s actual menu. Each such article will explain in great detail what each screen in the game has to offer. That way, you can find various details about training, including information like a breakdown special abilities. There are also articles outside of the main categories, for example the one that deals with players in your squad.

In time, we intend to go even more in-depth and offer even more detailed information on various aspects of Top Eleven. As with any Wiki, there will be only more content in time, as well as offering us quick coverage of new features as they are released.

If you haven’t checked it out yet, you can find it by following this link!