Top Eleven takes pride in enabling managers to lead their dream football team to glory. There are a few ways you can customize your team visually to make them look exactly as you’ve envisioned them. This includes changing your logo, jerseys and even editing individual players.

The logo is the most recognizable part of your club, and comes in a few variants. You are able to create your own logo combining different kinds of shapes, patterns, symbols and colors. By mixing and matching these elements, this option gives the manager the most versatility.

Other logos include pre-made Club Shop logos, which will usually cost you less Tokens than making them yourself, as well as Premium and Official logos. Premium logos use elements, styles and colors otherwise unavailable any other way. They stand out more than the basic logos and help showcase your team’s prestige. Official logos go a step beyond and allow you to carry the banner of your favorite real-life football club, like FC Barcelona, Liverpool FC and many more.

Jerseys represent the colors in which your team plays, and are categorized into Home and Away jerseys, depending on where you are playing your match. These jerseys can also be created using pre-existing patterns and colors, or you can purchase pre-made ones from the Club Shop. Please keep in mind though that Home and Away jerseys need to have different base colors. So, even if the actual pattern is different for your jerseys, if the base color of both is white, you won’t be able to use them at the same time. Keep this in mind when changing your design! And like logos, you are also able to purchase Official Jerseys and play wearing your favorite real-life team’s colors!

Finally, Top Eleven lets you customize not just your team’s visuals, but also their details. You are able to change the name, country, city and even nationality of your team easily from the Club screen. You can even change the name of your Fan Club! This isn’t limited to just your team, though. You can also change the details of individual players. By opening the Player Details window when clicking on any player in your team, you can edit his name, nationality and squad number.

Remember, how you present your team is important, but even with the best looks, winning still requires that you train hard!

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